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IHM becomes the new marketing BUZZ acronym...

IHM becomes the new marketing BUZZ acronym...

So what is IHM? Well, remember OOHM, now think exactly the opposite. Out Of Home Media moves indoors.

Instead of large billboards catching people’s attention during rush hour it’s now the box with the large logo sitting on the kitchen counter. 

That box was delivered yesterday by a real person that actually knocked on the door, and when the door opened informed the recipient what was inside. Did we go back in time to the Fuller Brush Man days... ok so a lot of you are reading this and saying, "geez she is really going back..."


Oh, and that rush hour I referred to above? Well, that’s a mom and/or dad rushing around, getting the kids ready for online schooling before they themselves “get dialed in” for a day in their remote office. Luckily, that box that arrived yesterday happens to have a few healthy snacks for the kiddos, but just enough to entice the parents to buy more and that can be done at a store or online.  Yup! In-store sampling just arrived in the home too!

Don’t get me wrong, rush hour still exists, some people are even going into their offices but IHM is becoming a major, major contender for a spot on the “official” media list.

Yay Youre Here

IHM – In-Home Media is a strategic platform that comes to us directly as a result of COVID – 19 and with 24 states showing a sizable increase in cases over the past few days* the case for IHM continues to build.

Throughout our 23 years in the guerilla and grassroots marketing consumer experience business, we have always executed door-tagging. There were neighborhood block party announcements, grand openings of small and large grocery chains and convenience stores, plus basic overall hyper-local neighborhood canvassing.  Now, this grassroots strategy is on steroids with IHM.

BAs guy and girlIn a great example of IHM that combined Brand Awareness and Advertising, containers were creatively designed to say Caffeine & Quarantine; Call-To-Action, coupons inside for store discounts, Sampling/Trial, we delivered full containers to the homes by live, masked brand ambassadors, who were knowledgeable and passionate about the product.

In the world of product sampling, in-store demos, and product trials; the word “PIVOT” is an understatement.  CPG brands are now scrambling for ways to reach customers to get them to taste/smell/feel or see their products up close and personal; because up close and personal means increased sales.

When the wheels completely fell off in 2020, the world of product sampling/demos and live events changed drastically. In order to demonstrate a product or simply to educate a customer, CPG brands needed to PIVOT (sorry I know, overused) and M2W was ready with teams already trained in Covid Safety procedures and safety. 

Door 2 Door we went and even Business 2 Business!

This is the new way to sample, our nationwide team is large….where in the US would you like us to do your door and business drops?

*source CNN News & Fox News 11.5.20


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